Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that focuses on total body health by treating muscles/tendons, joints/ligaments and nerves etc. The osteopathic philosophy is to treat you as a whole, not just treat your specific symptoms. Osteopaths believe that in order for the body to heal it must have a good blood and nerve supply; subsequently our treatment goal is directed at improving the structure and function of your whole body. Through this approach osteopathy helps to stimulate your body’s own self-healing / self-regulating processes, aiding a return to optimum health and wellness.

Osteopathic treatment is specific to the patients’ individual complaint and involves soft tissue massage, manipulative techniques and may also include advice on posture and exercise therapy.

Current university training for osteopaths is five years full time that is inclusive of both of an undergraduate degree and master’s degree. All osteopaths in Australia are required to be government registered practitioners with AHPRA.